*It's good to print this page so that you can have it handy when getting a walk-through. Try to do the following, or request that the person showing you the software over the phone tell you what to do. Try and remember how many keystrokes or screen-touches or clicks you use for each step. You should be able to emulate the use of a touchscreen by using your mouse. When entering items, be SURE to see if you could put in an item such as: Hamburger/Well Done/Tomato/Onion/French Fries. With Foodman you can have up to eight modifiers per item in addition to Special Instructions. Some POS systems are restricted in the number of modifiers per item. a. Start a NEW GUEST CHECK and put a couple of items on it. b. Start a second Guest Check on another table. c. Add-on some items to the first check you created. d. Print the Guest Check. e. Apply payment to Guest Check. f. Print or display the totals for all checks for a single server (Cash-Out Server). g. Print or display a Sales Summary for the day. h. Add a new employee to the Server File. i. Define Tables. j. Print a Menu Reference Listing with prices, etc. k. Change the price of a Menu item. These steps represent the basic day-to-day operation of the POS system. If you can successfully go through the preceding steps with little or no trouble then you can add the system to your list of serious prospects. If you don't, or find it too laborious, you've just eliminated one candidate.