Well, sometimes size matters and sometimes it doesn't.  In the case
                              of POS Touchscreen systems, it matters a lot.  And, bigger is 
                              most definitely better.
                              One of the most important, if not THE most important feature of
                              a POS system is the number of menu items which can fit on the
                              TouchScreen at one time.
                              If you are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and sell liquor,
                              you can have as many as 1,000 items on your menu.
                              Providing for the display on touchscreens of 1,000 items is not
                              a simple task.

                              On the other hand, if you have a really small menu, you can
                              probably get your entire menu on just one or two screens.
                              Imagine how easy and simple that would be for your staff.
                              Foodman uses 1024x768 resolution to provide the biggest,
                              easiest to use, easiest to read TouchScreen in the entire
                              world of POS systems. Period.

                              A screen-shot (1024x768) of the actual https://florafox-nvsk.ru/ 
                              appears below. 
                              On the other hand software-size is an area where smaller is
                              unquestionably better. Click here to read why.